dazeblog #1

The Making of “vKiSS” #1: Why?


Chris Chance: “… do you know the whole meaning to-towards the project & shit?”

Daze: “I know, like the 100% meaning, but I’m never gonna, like, divulge into it. ‘cuz it’s kinda embarrasing, but at the same vein, it means a lot to me … but, surface level… it’s like flirty type music, like I got a crush on you type shit…”

[Link to full interview]

So when I was 18/19 (2021-2022), I was in love. (Don’t ask me shit about shit.)

Embarrassingly in love. Like if I could slap the shit out of my past self I would. (Again, don’t ask me shit about shit, just read.)

To be honest, I was making the lovey-dovey stuff along the line of vKiSS way before I even had any particular interests [ex: “come over (2019),” “i wanna kno (i like u) (2020),” “fallin 4 u (i rly like u) (2021)” ]; personally I just fw romance & that’s always kind of been a central point for some of my songs.

However, this late-teen period of my music was different. I ain’t ever really been interested in anyone b4 vKiSS so it kinda helped me better “understand” love-centric media more. That understanding, in a sense, helped me really translate what I was feeling into music. So I just kept making the songs off of how I felt, which was essentially a mix of genuine love & infatuation.

And that really was all vKiSS was about, trying to communicate the feelings I had while I was head over heels for this person.

Even though I was making each of these songs at isolated points in time, everything about vKiSS was intentional. Every song title, the genres, all of the sample choices, even the order of the songs for vKiSS; it was all in an attempt to really explain how I felt during this period.

Hell, even the album title itself meant to explain that. The v & i in vKiSS (“vi” = virtual), meant to represent two things. The nature of this romance period (it was over the internet), and the type of music, a 100% electronic album that uses “virtual studio technology” (this is what VST stands for). The “KiSS” tied everything together ‘cuz to me, that’s like the most obvious part of any romantic situation.

Essentially, vKiSS acts as sort of a “love journal” for me, all the way from tracks 1-16. It was less about the particular person I was into and more about how I felt, which most personal diaries & journals are meant to do. Some of the songs express my mindset & general attitudes towards love, like idk what love is, switch hearts & fragile, others are more direct to the person, like crazy4u! , ur all i want (gg), cant let u go, i want u (2stay). It’s kinda funny to me looking back ‘cause a rational part of my 20yr old self would NOT make this an album to release, due to how much relevance it had to a personal “relationship” I had. Fuck it tho we ball, I can’t unrelease it 💀😭😭

But yeah, this is all I got for the “Why?” of making vKiSS. Next entry will discuss the art of vKiSS & the creation of “dazegirl”.


dazeblog #2


dazeblog #0.5