dazeblog #5
What is “dazecore?”: A statement of influence & an explanation on my coinage of the term.

dazeblog #4.5
Seven tips for beginner DJs

dazeblog #4
I talk about my history with the PS Vita, why I love it so much & some of what I did with it.

dazeblog #3
How I discovered Digitally Imported Radio & 7+ songs I found thru it

dazeblog #2
Retrospective on vKiSS pt. 2 / The Art of vKiSS & “dazegirl”
dazeblog #1
Retrospective of vKiSS pt. 1
dazeblog #0.5
Notes on Talking Drums & “Call & Response”
dazeblog #0
Intro to the dazeblog